Monday, March 8, 2010

Northern Lights

Northern Lights
By Philip Pullman

Published by Scholastic Point 1995

Pages: 399

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure

Disclaimer: Violence

Lyra grew up at Jordan College. She learns about dust and Gobblers and she is the leader of her band of friends. One day a lady comes with her daemon (a creature that makes up part of the soul of a person) and invites Lyra and her Daemon to live with her so she can live with her and teach her. Lyra eventually learns the lady, Mrs. Coulter, is the leader of the Gobblers. Lyra runs away so she can save her friend that had been taken. She joins up with the Gyptians and they take her along on a rescue mission to save all the kids that had been taken way up north because of her ability to read a golden compass that will answer any question. Along the way she becomess friends with an armored polar bear and learns what happens to the kids that are taken. This book is known as The Golden Compass in the United States.

I liked this book. It was one that was difficult to put down. I thought the idea of daemons was very interesting and thought it would be fun to have one of my own. I liked the polar bear, that was a way cool idea and his fight towards the end of the book is way intense. I also love how smart Lyra is. The little girl that can do anything. This is a way fun book.

This is from the film The Golden Compass and it is about Daemons

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