Mickey Wonders Why: Why Do Tigers Have Stripes?
By Alexandra Parsons
Published by Disney Books By Mail (1992)
Reading Level: Ages 7-10 years
Pages: 28
Genre: Nonfiction
Summary: Polar Bears are really tall and live in cold climates. Their fur keeps them warm. Stick plants can hold very still so they won't be seen by predators and their eggs look like seeds. A tiger's stripes go up and down so it can blend in with the plants. Crocodiles look like logs, and their tails are strong enough that they ca rear up and propel through the water. Many eggs are speckled so they are harder to spot. Chameleons have different colored spot all over their bodies that grow and shrink to make the different colors, they also turn colors when they are mad. Some fish are flat so they don't look like fish. Snakes are camouflaged so that they can wait for food without being seen. Some butterflies look like leaves. Baby deer can walk hours after they are born and they hide in the grasses. Some insects look like other animals to scare off predators. Sloths fur has green scum on it that bugs live in.
My Reaction: It was interesting. it had Mickey Mouse in it and that always makes me happy.
Potential Problems: some of the animals could be scary to sensitive children.
Recommendations: I think this would be great to read to curious children. I would also recommend this to any child with lots of interest in animals.
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